Friday, February 20, 2009

Windshield Maintenance? .....what is that?

When I first heard the word windshield maintenance, I was like most people and thought what could go into maintaining a piece of glass? Washing it, perhaps? Well the easy answer is no, but it is easier than cleaning it.

Have you ever been driving down the road and "POP" you hear something hit the windshield and immediately you think oh my gosh where is it, I know that cracked my windshield. Upon a quick glance all over you see nothing and think hmmm..... I got lucky that time. Don't be too quick to overlook that sound. The next time you stop, take a look just below the wiper blades and all around the perimeter of the windshield(also known as the frit area, which is the black band along the edge of the windshield). Sometimes rocks will hit these areas and you can't see these areas from inside the vehicle so you think you are in the clear. However, when that crack slowly appears out of nowhere and you look a little closer you will see the original damage was a little chip that was out of sight. The reason I am talking about this is, the last couple of windshields I have repaired had this same damage and the owners had no idea that the chip was even there until the crack started. Another place rock chips like to hide is the notorious "dirt band" we have on our windshield in Colorado, which is the side effect of constantly using our windshield washer fluid and wipers to clean the road spray from our windshields.

So to sum up windshield maintenance, it is not only keeping your windshield clean(big chore for us Coloradans) but also routinely inspecting your windshield for small chips to prevent your windshield from developing a crack and possibly requiring a full replacement. This process only takes a few minutes to perform and will save you lots of money over the course of vehicle ownership.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my next episode of "Save Your Windshield"!


Roo's Windshield Repair specializes in windshield rock chip and crack repair in the Denver area. Please call today (720) 256-7078 and let us "Save Your Windshield!"

Friday, February 13, 2009

Got Windshield Damage?

Small chips and damage to windshields are often overlooked. These areas of small damage can spread rapidly especially in the ever changing climate we have here in the Denver area. One day it may be 70 degrees and the next day well below freezing.(I love that health care commercial where is says Colorado is the only state where you can golf in January and ski in June, too funny but so true!) These are prime conditions for this windshield damage to spread. Road vibrations are another reason the damage may spread.

Many people do not realize that comprehensive insurance will pay for these areas of damage to be repaired at no cost to insured. The reason insurance companies pay for this repair is because it saves them a ton of money in the long run. Sure, when you get a new windshield you pay the deductible but the insurance company pays the remainder and this can range anywhere between a few hundred to even a thousand dollars depending on the make and model of the vehicle.

So your skeptical about the look of the repair? While the main purpose of windshield repair is to stabilize the damaged area and restore the structural integrity of the windshield, you can expect to have anywhere from 80-90% improvement in the appearance of the damage. While there will always be scaring where the original damage was, the faster you have the damage repaired the better the repair will look.

Please stay tuned for many benefits of windshield repair in our next blog!

Thanks for reading!


Roo's Windshield Repair specializes in windshield rock chip and crack repair in the Denver area. Please call today (720) 256-7078 and let us "Save Your Windshield!"